What do you need to clear?

What I like about the story of Sleeping Beauty is that to get to the Princess, the Prince had to clear his way through all the thorns. I believe one of the greatest tragedies is that we have lost the true purpose of stories and that is to impart wisdom.

Inside each of us lies a dream, but often we have a thorny path ahead of our way. I bet there were many men who heard the tale of the sleeping beauty but looked at all those thorns and threw up their hands and gave up the dream to another.

This week, my editor went into a frenzy of editing. Our shared document showed 578 comments. I have to confess that I threw my hands up a couple of times during this week. Not only is there a staggering amount of comments, but my computer is quite slow and so after I accept one change, the screen freezes and I stare at it in exasperation.

But like the Prince in Sleeping Beauty hacking away at the thorns, I have to hack at one comment at a time. I am pretty sure in one version; he went blind. But he still had the vision of what he could achieve if he got through those thorns.

I had a vision to write a mediaeval fantasy book series dedicated to each of my children. Although my life may be clouded by many obstacles and distractions, I have to keep hacking away at this one edit at a time. It is time to clear away some of what is standing in my way, so that I can get this fourth book out there.

As we draw close to the new year, I pray you will find the courage and perseverance to clear whatever is standing in your way to claim your dream.

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